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2 min read
Surgery for Breast Cancer: Then & Now
Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women worldwide and is known to account for almost 13.5% of all cancer cases in India...
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3 min read
A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or decreased, causing reduced delivery of oxygen and nutrients...
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3 min read
Which Foods that lower Cholesterol Fat?
Cholesterol can be a good as well as a bad thing in the human body. We require cholesterol to create hormones, Vitamin D, and other...
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3 min read
Which doctor to consult for erectiledysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the penis does not get firm or stay firm for long during sexual intercourse. Most male patients...
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3 min read
What is open-heart surgery and Why is it used?
Open heart surgery or bypass surgery which the surgeon performs to repair a heart. Although being a complicated one, open-heart surgery...
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3 min read
What Are the 5 Warning Signs of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women. Every woman must stay aware and look for any early symptoms. Women over 40...
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3 min read
Test Tube Baby is Good or Bad?
The test tube baby treatment has successfully brought back hopes among parents who could not conceive normally. The first test-tube baby...
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2 min read
The Need for Awareness about Brain Tumor
Listen to your heart, not your brain’, ‘Let your heart talk to your brains’, ‘Do you have brains at all ?’ , are some of the regular...
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2 min read
Take care of your liver for a healthy life
Over the past few years, there has been a tremendous change in our lifestyle. Unhealthy eating habits accompanied by consumption of...
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2 min read
Stroke- Time is essence
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is disrupted, which prevents the tissues in the brain to not receive oxygen...
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7 min read
Low Back Pain
A low back pain has now become the problem of the century. It is one of the most common symptoms experienced by virtually everyone at...
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